
Questions concerning your stay

What time is check-in and check-out?

Check-in is at 15:00, and check-out is 10:00 the following morning.

Can the check-out time be extended?

(1) Overstaying up to 1 hr costs 10% of the room rate
(2) Overstaying up to 2 hr costs 20% of the room rate
(3) Overstaying up to 3 hr costs 30% of the room rate
(4) Overstaying up to 6 hr costs 50% of the room rate
(5) Overstaying over 6 hr costs the entire room rate
Please understand that in some cases, we may be unable to accommodate your wish to extend check-out.
Furthermore, please be advised that regulations may vary depending on your reservation plan.

Can I change or cancel reservation made over the internet?

Reservation changes and cancelations can be made through the reservation system.
Furthermore, if you are going to be much later than your original check-in time, please phone us.
If we don’t receive any contact, your reservation may be treated as a cancelation.

Can our children share a bed with us? Do you have children’s rates?

Children under 3 years old can stay for free.
If you wish to share your bed with a child aged 3 or older, please book the Child Bed-Sharing Plan.

Do you have amenities for children?

Unfortunately, we do not.

What amenities are there?

We provide guests with a bath towel, face towel, wash cloth, robe, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, hair brush, hair band, cotton pads for cosmetics, cotton swabs, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face & hand soap.
Furthermore, we also provide an air purifier with a humidifier, hair dryer, electric kettle, and safe.

Questions concerning payment

Can I use e-money?

Unfortunately, you cannot use e-money. However, you can scan the QR code to pay through PayPay, LINE Pay, R Pay, d Barai, m Pay, au PAY, Yucho Pay, QUO CARD Pay, Alipay, or WeChat Pay.

When do I incur a cancellation charge?

In the case of reservations for groups of less than 14 people, cancellation charges are incurred from 3 days before the date of the stay. Please contact the hotel for more details. Furthermore, please be advised that regulations may vary depending on your reservation plan.

Questions about access

What is the closest station?

The closest stations to our hotel are Sakaisuji Subway Line’s “Nippombashi Sta,” Nankai Line’s “Namba Sta,” and JR’s “Namba Sta.”

Do you have a parking lot?

Our hotel does not have a parking lot. Unfortunately, we must request that you park in one of the nearby coin-operated parking lots.

Questions about breakfast

Please tell me the hours that breakfast is served.

From 7:00 – 9:00 in the morning.

Can I add breakfast that same day?

Yes, you can. Please come down to the front desk on the morning in question.
Charge (including tax): 1,000 yen for those over age 3

Questions about guest rooms and hotel facilities

Do you have a large public bath?

Unfortunately, our hotel does not have a large public bath.

Do you have a parking lot?

Our hotel does not have a parking lot. Unfortunately, we must request that you park in one of the nearby coin-operated parking lots.

Do you have Wi-Fi?

Yes, you can use it free of charge from all guest rooms and anywhere in the hotel. Furthermore, guest rooms also have wired LAN connections.

Do you have a coin laundry?

There is one on the 1st floor. It is also equipped with a detergent vending machine.

Do you have computers we can use?

Unfortunately, we do not have rental computers.

Do you have an ice machine?

There is one on the 1st floor. You can use the ice cubes free of charge.

Do you have vending machines in the hotel?

Yes, there is a soft drink vending machine in the lobby on the first floor.

Other questions

Can I send my luggage to the hotel ahead of time?

Yes, we will hold it for you. Please send your luggage to the hotel’s address.
We ask that you are certain to record the date of your check-in and the name you’ll be staying under (your full name).

Can I send my luggage from the hotel?

Yes, you can. We deal with package delivery services, so please make this request with the staff at the front desk.
Please be aware that, depending on the size and condition of your luggage, in some cases they may not be able to take it.

Does the front desk offer support 24 hours/day?

Yes, we offer support 24 hours/day. The front entrance locks at 1:00 AM, so guests entering or exiting the hotel should please have their room key with them when they head out. If it is locked, your room key will open it.
However, if you lose your key, you will be required to pay a 1,000-yen fee (including tax), so please be extremely careful with it.

Do you have copy or FAX services?

Visit the front desk.
Copies: b/w 10 yen/page, color 50 yen/page
FAX: 100 yen up to 5 pages, 20 yen/each additional page